K12 Schools / Seismic Retrofits & Upgrades
Seismic Rehabilitations have become one of the cornerstones of our company’s success over the past 5 years. Our ability to work with owners and design teams to refine project scope and create a true team environment is outstanding.
It is our priority to ensure our clients are satisfied with our performance and the outcome of our construction work from start to finish. Seismic upgrades in schools are unique due to their complex requirements and inherent safety risks to the public and students. We have performed these upgrades in active schools and schools that are vacated for the summer, which requires a substantial amount of coordination required to make these projects run smoothly and in the very tight schedules required.
The preconstruction program we implement relieves many of the potential field issues that arise with renovations, and during construction, our experience and knowledge with structural systems and seismic upgrades allow us to efficiently develop field solutions when conflicts or hidden conditions arise. CB Const, Inc has built an exceptional team that specializes in seismic upgrades that have proven to be successful and understands the complexities of operating in and around highly congested public areas.
Currently, we have completed and/or are under contract for over 10 seismic retrofit/upgrade projects, and our doors are always open for more!

Dayville School District Gymnasium Seismic Upgrade - Seismic upgrade to the Dayville School District Gymnasium. The project included removal of roof to provide seismic connections, roof blocking, out of plane connections, FRP at CMU walls to strengthen out of plane capacity, etc. Completed 2021.